Bring the outdoors in - a terrarium filled with fresh succulents will add a touch of greenery to any room.
If you love the idea of houseplants but manage to kill them before you’ve even left B&Q, the terrarium is your friend.
Terrariums are like mini greenhouses – usually glass or plastic, their dome-like shape is perfect for planting and they look great perched on a shelf or as a table centrepiece. Here’s how to make yours…
Choose your terrarium
Look for quirky shapes and added detail – these wood and glass versions are great for single plants, or go for a larger terrarium to create a mini jungle.
Choose your plants
Succulents and cacti are the best plants for terrarium planting – they’re hardy specimens that thrive in warm, humid environments, making them perfect for indoor life. Go for a mix of shapes and sizes to give your terrarium plenty of character.
Get planting!
Start by filling the bottom of your terrarium with soil – you can use a mix of earth, pebbles and even moss to give it a natural look. De-pot your plants and nestle them into the earth, making sure each one has plenty of room to spread out. Pack the soil around the plants so they’re secure and held in place, then sprinkle on a little water.
The aftercare
Once your terrarium is planted, place it in a warm, bright spot away from direct sunlight. Succulents don’t need huge amounts of water, but check the soil for moisture regularly and if it feels a little dry, give them a drink.