fashion kids

Half Term activities – how to make it special

Homeschooling is tough on us all – juggling Zoom meetings alongside Google Classroom is a full time job in itself. It’s easy to feel the stress about our own circumstances, but it’s our children who are missing out the most. After a few weeks without their friends, their teachers and the routine of school, many kids are bound to be feeling sad. 


Which is why, as Half Term approaches, we’re thinking about how we can mark the move from school life to holidays. With a change of scenery not really possible right now, it’ll take some creative thinking… so here are our ideas!


Home based treasure hunt

We might not be able to go on adventures this half term… but who’s to say the adventures can’t come to us? Treasure hunts take a little time to set up, but they’re worth it for the sheer joy they create. Pinterest is a great resource for writing clues and printing off maps, and you can send the kids off on a wild goose chase as they search for the end prize. 


Make a family film

We all know how popular YouTubers are with primary school kids… so why not let them be one for the day? Hand over your phone and see what they come up with, then help them edit it and upload it to a private YouTube account. You could even host a ‘Viewing Party’ with popcorn and soda to celebrate the upload!


Camp out in the living room

This one is sure to be a big hit. Camping in the garden was great fun in the summer months, but with the winter weather raging on… we’re bringing the outdoors in! 


Set up camp in the living room – pop up tents or teepees are great fun without taking up too much space. Blow up airbeds, grab sleeping bags from the loft and settle in for the night. Then it’s hot chocolates with marshmallows and bedding down for the night!


Screen free play

Learning from a screen five days a week is pretty hard going on young minds. Technology is hugely helpful in connecting us to the world, and it’s a fantastic educational tool… but a break from devices is always a good thing. For Half Term, turn off the screens, stash the laptops and get out in the fresh air, even if it’s just outside your door. 


Having time to play freely, without direction from adults, is really important for children. Resist the temptation to join in or ‘help’ – let their imaginations go free, give them the run of the house and help them tidy up afterwards. It may be chaotic at the time, but when they return to homeschooling refreshed from a week of no schedule, you’ll know it was worth it. 

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