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Hiking shoes and socks
For your hikes, treks, long walks and other adventures, hiking boots are indispensable. In addition to providing good foot support, these shoes have been designed to offer unrivalled comfort on uneven terrain, for example, where conventional sneakers would hurt your feet. But choose your shoes carefully! There are models for simple walks, others specially designed for multi-day treks, or even pairs for hikes on rocky ground, for example. It's a good idea to choose your hiking boots according to what you're going to use them for, and at what time of year. You won't choose the same pair in summer as in winter. In summer, you're more likely to opt for ventilated shoes, while in winter, you'll prefer waterproof Gore-Tex models in leather and fabric, for example. There are several heights to choose from, depending on the shoe's upper. There's the low upper, which is simply a classic low boot. Then there's the medium upper, which refers to semi-mounted shoes that protect your malleoli while supporting your ankle. Finally, we have the high upper, which corresponds to a high-cut shoe that protects and holds your ankle perfectly. This last type of upper corresponds to the typical hiking shoe, and we have a wide range of models for all types of use and all the major brands. Once you've got the right pair of hiking boots, you'll be able to enjoy walks, treks and hikes in the most beautiful places, with your feet secure in comfortable footwear.