Espresso & Cappuccino Machines

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The espresso machine, coffee like the professionals

Traditionally reserved for professionals, espresso machines are gaining ground in households. Open" espresso machines, which use ground coffee rather than pods, are less expensive than the "closed" models from the major brands. When choosing an espresso machine, be sure to check the pump pressure level, expressed in bar. The higher the pressure, the frothier the espresso.

Discovering espresso makers

Do you like fresh, tasty coffee at home? The opportunity to enjoy an espresso worthy of a barista is now at hand. At the heart of every sip, espresso combines intense aromas and creamy crema. Why wait for the next café terrace when you can enjoy the same taste pleasure in your own kitchen?

Espresso machines: performance and simplicity

Espresso machines are true gems of technology, admired for their ability to extract the quintessence of each coffee bean. Whether you choose models with integrated grinders, or machines that work with capsules or pods, the promise remains the same: an espresso with preserved aromas, punctuated by a rich, airy foam. Coffee lovers will appreciate our bean-to-cup machines, renowned for their sturdiness and ability to reproduce an authentic tasting experience.

A coffee for every palate

There's no shortage of options for transforming water into an invigorating elixir. With or without a milk function for milky beverages, with a filter for milder coffee, or with a grinder to grind beans to perfection, every coffee maker can be tailored to your needs. These appliances also offer customization settings. Imagine pressing a button and seeing your machine wake up to offer optimal pressure and temperature, guaranteeing perfect extraction. Wouldn't that guarantee an unforgettable coffee moment, every time the urge arises?
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