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Summer Holiday Saviours – How to Keep Them Occupied

As the six -week holidays loom in front of us, we’ve put together a handy list of fun activities to keep the kids entertained… whether rain or shine!


The summer holidays – chance to spend some quality time with your kids, or a lesson in creativity, organisation and endurance? A bit of both, we think! If you’re already wondering how on earth you’ll keep them busy without spending a fortune on ice cream every day, here’s our list of Summer Holiday Saviours to tide you over till September.


Pinterest crafting

Let’s be realistic – this is British Summertime, which means it’s likely to rain at least 50% of the time. For those wet, grey days when the park is waterlogged and you haven’t had time to buy new wellies, Pinterest saves the day. There are endless crafty ideas to discover – look for boards specific for your kids’ ages, stock up on supplies and leave them to it for a couple of hours.


DIY sports day

School sports day is a highlight of the year (for the kids, anyway), so why not recreate the fun at home? Gather friends and family together in your garden or at the local park and have a go at sack racing, egg and spoon balancing and wheelbarrow running. Dish out ice lollies as prizes and take lots of photos so you can look back and laugh the next day!

Nature spotting

The UK is full of green space, and even the biggest cities are home to an abundance of wildlife. Spend the summer hols spotting the nature all around us – from rare flowers to stag beetles and maybe even Bambi himself! Download and print worksheets so you can keep track of what you’ve seen – for older children, you could even set up an Instagram account to share pictures of your finds.


Check your local library

Libraries often have special programmes of events running through the summer – everything from Lego building and science experiments for older kids to storytime and sing-a-longs for toddlers. Check your local council website to see listings near you.


If all else fails, get the paddling pool out

Yes, it takes ages to blow up. And yes, they’ll complain they’re cold and want to get out after 10 minutes. But persevere – add a squirt of washing up liquid for crazy bubbles, let them spray each other with the hose and fire up the BBQ for post-splash burgers. They’ll sleep well tonight!

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La Redoute,